Monday, April 27, 2009

110 Days... and a new bike!!

It's been an exciting few days in NYC! For one, the weather has just been outrageously warm, which is such nice change. Monday it was like 38 degrees, and Friday it was like 88. Crazy. It's been kinda hot sleeping, I've got to figure out if I'm getting my old a/c from my parents in CT or if I'll just buy a new one. Who knows. Guess I'll see what the weather is like over the next couple weeks.

But anyways, on to bigger and better things! I finally bought my bike! And I looooove it. I bought it Friday night and was able to bring it home Friday night too. Since I bought it in NJ near Matt's apartment, we were able to go bike riding together on Saturday, which was so much fun. We went on the bike path near his apartment and rode about 8 miles. We had a blast. Then we went to the "bark park" and watched a bunch of cute doggies running around. I can't wait to get one someday!

Sat. night was Amber's birthday party, which was a blast. I had a great time, and she had a great turnout of people :) Lots of fun. Woke up Sunday and went down to the Financial District with Matt. We wandered around the graves at Trinity Church, which was really cool because we saw Alexander Hamilton's tomb and other cool graves from the 1700s. We're both history buffs (prob. Matt more than me) so it was cool to check out the history of my own city. We also walked down Wall st. and saw the site where George Washington was sworn in as president of the U.S. Very cool.

Even cuter, we wandered down to Battery Park and found the spot where we watched the fireworks over Brooklyn on our first date. It was obviously a lot busier and a ton of people were around, but it was really sweet. It's been 9 months today since we've been "official." It was a good couple hours - I was happy. Later on we drove up to his apartment and watched TV, went into town and had a nice early dinner, then later on got ice cream and ate it in the park. So fun. All in all, a great weekend.

Today I worked (obviously) and then came home and rode the 6 mile loop around Central Park. It was pretty good in the beginning, but then 3/4 of the way through there was a huge hill that was really steep. I had to jump off the bike and walk a bit, but hopefully with more training I'll be able to conquer the hill. That's the goal - especially since the triathlon bike path will be really hilly.

Now I'm just going to watch 24, relax and head to bed pretty early. Tomorrow night I'm swimming and running. Same on Wednesday, but I'm going to try and bike in the morning too. I"ll get pictures of the bike up soon. Or you can peep the one out on FB. :)

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