Sunday, December 6, 2009

Watch me Tri, indeed

I crossed the finish line in 2:30:38. It's a number I won't quickly forget. My goal was to finish in less than 2 1/2 hour; I say coming 38 seconds close to that goal is a win.

I have to say, I was really proud of myself. I still am. I had a really great time during the race and even during the training. I may have complained, I may have missed out on some late night adventures with friends, but I finished what I set out to do. And that is cool.

I'm not done with triathlons, far from it actually. I plan to do two in 2010, two sprint races. One in Central Park and one in Lake Placid. Both are in the summer and both will require sign ups within the next 2-3 months.

So, it's time to move onto the next phase of this "watch me tri" mantra. Finally losing the weight.

Let's be honest. I packed on the pounds after the race. Anyone can see in pictures taken and posted on facebook of my weight fluctuations over the past couple of years. I don't want to be model skinny - in fact far from it. I love curves. BUT I would like to be healthy - in mind, body and soul. And since I think my soul and my mind are in positive states - it's the outer shell that needs work.

So I'm on another mission. A mission to lose the weight and get back to the weight that I was when I graduated college. Once I get to that, Ill check my mind and health to see if I want/need to go further. Clear disclosure and I'm not proud about what I'm about to type. It's 50-60 lbs before I get back to senior year of college weight. I know it won't happen overnight. It's going to come through lots of work, lots of willpower and lots of healthy eating and trips to the gym.

According to, which I've just joined, losing 50-60 lbs safely and slowly so it doesn't come back puts me on track for July 2010. So to July 2010 it is! It's like my next new goal. Come take the journey with me. I'll try to be better about blogging this time around. :)

Love and hugs.